What was your driving question?
Grades Involved
How did this project connect to your local or regional community?
What PBE principles were highlighted in this project?
Standards: List standards or competencies that the project addresses
ELA – Follow a writing process appropriate for the task; review, revise, and edit; speaking and listening; research and review informational texts
Social Studies – Local History
21st Century Skills – presentation, communication, collaboration, problem-solving, technology
Project Description
The West Plains History Reader’s Theater is a project centered around important historical pieces of the town. After watching and practicing several reader’s theaters, students began researching and generating a list of historical aspects of their town, which were then sorted into more general categories/themes/groups. From there, students voted on which theme interested them most and formed reader’s theater groups. Each group had a list of historically connected pieces, and students were to assume a role from the list to write an all-inclusive script representative of their theme. As part of the process, they have had to identify their connections, create a script, film and critique their work, make changes, and work hard toward their final product.
How did this positively impact the community? How was it shared?
Reflection: What was the biggest challenge? What was the most rewarding aspect of this project?
Any advice for a teacher or student that is implementing a PBE project for the first time?
“Don’t be afraid of less structured or non-traditional instruction.”
“Challenge your students! They are capable of amazing things!”