The Conservation Research Center announces an addition to its staff. Wildlife Ecologist, Michael Rowell, has joined the CRC to participate in the organization’s contract stewardship and research programs. With a Masters degree in Wildlife Science from Utah State University and a 20-year career engaging diverse ecological topics, Mike hopes to contribute to the CRC by bringing additional depth and perspective to the staff and programs.
Mike’s graduate program emphasized mathematical modeling of wildlife populations, predator-prey population interactions, carnivore field research, experimental design, and statistics. His thesis research revealed and explored trends in diversity and abundance of mammalian carnivore communities in association with coyote abundance in the western United States.
After graduate school, Mike’s career began with a study identifying critical wetland areas in southwest Georgia. This work provided scientific justification for State purchase and permanent protection of a critical 31,000-acre wetland ecosystem. Mike’s professional endeavors since have centered on the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE). A consulting ecologist in Wyoming since 1994, he has witnessed first-hand the impacts of economic growth on the GYE. In this capacity, Mike’s overriding professional goal has been to promote coexistence between an expanding human community and the natural world.