As the exclusive educational partner of Grand Teton National Park. Teton Science Schools has the opportunity to bring all students into one of our nation's most iconic national parks. Grand Teton National Park is defined by its dramatic mountain range, pristine alpine lakes, sweeping valleys, thick forests, and wild rivers. Unlock the mysteries of this amazing park through focused scientific observation and place-based curriculum.

The Laurance S. Rockefeller Preserve & Phelps Lake Area
Fire Ecology
Change is the only constant! Study the role of fire and other natural succession processes. Observe a burn area and learn its ecological and cultural story.

Taggart & Bradley Lakes
Glacier Ecology
Learn how glaciers shape the landscape and influence biology.

Schwabacher's Landing
Water Ecology
Examine the role of riparian habitats in Grand Teton National Park. Identify macroinvertebrates and understand their relationship with water quality. Compare water quality through chemical and physical testing across waterways and time.

Blacktail Butte
Use naturalist tools, including field guides and jeweler’s loupes, to identify and interpret scat, tracks, chewings, rubs, scrapes and other animal signs. Apply those skills to learn animal habitat, movements, diet, and adaptations.

Kelly Campus
Ecological Community Investigation
Explore and observe your surroundings in order to make connections between abiotic, biotic, and cultural factors in an ecosystem.

Snake River (Emily Stevens Pond)
Water Ecology
Explore, define, and investigate the concept of watersheds. Learn how to assess the health of your local watershed.

String Lake
Experience the beauty of Grand Teton National Park from the water as you learn and apply canoeing skills.

Death Canyon
Observe how geology drives biology. Compare and contrast morphological features of the Teton and Gros Ventre ranges.

Jenny Lake/Inspiration Point
Art and Ecology
Use art to express scientific understandings and deepen your understanding of the relationship between art and nature.

Ditch Creek
Field Research Project
Think like a scientist as you work your way through the science circle and participate in field-based hands-on research projects.

The Murie Ranch
Plant and Animal Adaptations
Deepen your understanding of how plants and animals survive seasonal change by exploring the unique adaptations that help local organisms cope with the extreme conditions found in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.