Community Research Project: Ice Melt Alternatives

What was your driving question?

How might the STEM/PBL class research and develop an economical and environmental alternative to using Magnesium Chloride as a road treatment in Adams County in order to reduce its impacts on our vehicles and local ecosystem? …

Koshkonong Trails Students Bring Holiday Cheer to Local Seniors

girl with handmade reindeer ornament

What was your driving question?

How might we promote local community engagement, citizenship, and responsibility?

Grades Involved
7th and 8th

What PBE principles were highlighted in this project?

Community as Classroom, Design Thinking

Project Description

Middle school students from Koshkonong Trails, …

Build the Ripple — The Playground

Driving Question

How might we partner with the City of New Meadows to enhance the city park?

Grades Involved


What PBE Principles were highlighted in this project? …

Water…It’s Dirty

Driving Question

How can I communicate knowledge and understanding of a local water issue through an integrated lens using a variety of academic skills?

Grades Involved

9th through 12th
