How We Used ChatGPT to Craft Rigorous, Place-Based Learning Experiences with the Boggs School

Written by Sharon Laidlaw, Director of Place Network

From Standards to Community Impact: How We Used ChatGPT to Craft Rigorous, Place-Based Learning Experiences with the Boggs School

This year, Professional Learning Coaches partnered with the James and Grace Lee Boggs School in Detroit to design a three-year cyclical curriculum integrating science and social studies. …

Winter Ecology at Teton Science Schools

Written by Hanna Holcomb, Program Coordinator – Teaching

In early January, fourteen students from the University of Wyoming traveled to the Kelly Campus of Teton Science Schools for a 12-day Winter Ecology course. …

A New Pack in GTNP – The Blacktail Butte Pack

A New Wolf Pack in Grand Teton National Park

Our guides have been seeing a new group of wolves on the Elk Refuge this past month, a pack that has now been dubbed the ‘Blacktail Butte pack’ by Grand Teton National Park. …

The Best of Winter’s Last Days

Looking for a truly unique adventure during your spring visit to Jackson Hole? Ditch the crowded lift lines and traffic and embrace the serene beauty of Yellowstone National Park in its winter splendor! While many associate Yellowstone with its vibrant summer months, …

Exploring Winter Through Hands-On Learning at Mountain Academy

At Mountain Academy, we are passionate about connecting students with the natural world, and our middle school Winter Journey is a perfect example of how we make that happen. Recently, our middle school students had the incredible opportunity to immerse themselves in the greater Yellowstone ecosystem for a hands-on learning experience like no other. …

Place-Based Education is Unique to Each Place: Experiences in Bhutan

Written by Leslie Cook, Head of Professional Learning

We truly believe place-based education will take different formats in each unique location where it is practiced.  Recently, part of our Professional Learning team worked with school partners and educators in Bhutan to further place-based education practices there.  …