Teton Science Schools

Place Network Evaluation

Place Network Evaluation

The Place Network is a collaborative network of K-12 schools that connect learning and communities to increase student engagement, academic outcomes and community impact.  TSS facilitates an ongoing evaluation process to document Network outcomes and share the stories of schools and communities as they practice intentional place-based education.

Place-Based Education

Implementation Survey

Each Place Network school shares qualitative and quantitative data in a portfolio website, highlighting their most recent implementation data and change over time.

Our evaluation process aims to answer broad questions around: the effectiveness of Place Network professional learning, whether or not Place Network professional learning increases the knowledge and skills of participating teachers, and the extent to which schools are putting the School Implementation Framework into practice.

The Place Network Research and Evaluation team presented at the Place-Based Education Conference on the innovative methods we are using to document impact. Topics included using Social Network Analysis to map the complex webs of relationships that develop around Place Network schools.